Eurodesk á Íslandi








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Eurodesk is an international non-profit association created in 1990. As a support organisation to Erasmus+, Eurodesk makes information on learning mobility comprehensive and accessible to young people and those who work with them. With a network of national coordinators connected to over 1600 local information providers in 36 European countries, Eurodesk raises awareness on learning mobility opportunities and encourages young people to become active citizens. Eurodesk is the main source of youth information on European policies, mobility information and opportunities. It answers enquiries and provides guidance for mobile young people across Europe. Eurodesk updates and manages content on the European Youth Portal, it also answers enquiries coming from the Portal.


Eurodesk federates over 1600 local youth information providers, so-called “multipliers and ambassadors” that are regional or local organisations working with young people, delivering youth information to them and advising them on mobility opportunities. Multipliers can be youth centres, associations, municipalities etc. but despite their variety, the core of their mission as Eurodesk multipliers is the same.
Ambassadors can be people or organisations that promote Erasmus+ or mobility opportuntities without agreements with Eurodesk but that use and disseminate information provided by Eurodesk.

To ensure the quality of services in all the 36 Eurodesk countries, Eurodesk offers its members quality training and support, and access to youth information services and tools.

The structure of Eurodesk

Eurodesk Brussels Link (EBL) is the coordinating body of the network and also the managing body of the Eurodesk brand. Its role is to give support in carrying out the mission of Eurodesk in the different countries and facilitate communication about the ongoing projects both internally and to the public.

EBL therefore regularly issues publications and initiates and coordinates European level campaigns and activities that are then carried out in the 36 Eurodesk countries. EBL also provides first-hand European information on youth mobility as well as tools for training, information management, quality assessment and communication to the Eurodesk officers in the various countries.

EBL supports the European Commission in developing and maintaining the European Youth Portal, regularly editing European contents, assessing the quality of Eurodesk national centres and giving them technical support.

Get to know Eurodesk Brussels Link.

There are 38 Eurodesk national coordinating offices in which national coordinators work together to carry out Eurodesk's mission at national level. National coordinators provide support to multipliers to organise their events, as well as channel youth information to them. At national level, the coordinators manage the European Youth Portal, and organise national events and campaigns.

National coordinators release publications and communication materials whenever it is appropriate. Some national coordinators communicate regularly to young people through events, some do not. This depends on the national structure they work in. In any case, national coordinators answer the enquiries received from young people from the same country.

Browse national offices.

There are over 1000 Eurodesk multipliers and over 500 Eurodesk Ambassadors in 36 countries all over Europe. Multipliers are local organisations (e.g. youth centres, associations, municipalities) but despite their variety, their core mission remain the same. As one of the most important tasks within the structure, multipliers maintain a face-to-face connection with young people through events and campaigns they organise. Multipliers are the body in the system who make sure that the mobility information collected in the network reaches young people who then through the work of multipliers receive youth information and counselling based on their personal profiles.

Browse the Eurodesk Map

The mission of Eurodesk

is to raise awareness among young people on mobility opportunities and to encourage them to become active citizens.

Eurodesk's 10 key principles

  • works with qualified and trained staff
  • is free of charge
  • takes into account the individual’s requirements
  • provides information and guidance for all young people
  • provides neutral information
  • refers to other information services
  • enables access to local and regional information all over Europe
  • provides information based on testimonials and true stories
  • refers especially to financial support programmes
  • works with verified and trusted sources


Eurodesk á Íslandi 
Borgartún 30, 105 Reykjavík
+ 354 515 5800

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© Eurodesk, 2020. Eurodesk is a registered trademark of Eurodesk Brussels Link.