European Youth Week events

26 March 2024

On the occasion of the European Youth Week we have decided to host a simple poetry and short story competition during the youth week, 12-19 of April. The competition is for people aged 13-30 years old who are residing in Iceland. 
The theme of this year's youth week is democratic participation and getting your voice heard - which will also be the theme of this competition. We encourage you to use poetry or the short story form to convey something that means a lot to you. Participants are allowed to send more than one entry and participation can be done through this link

The only thing you need to do is to submit a poem or a short story (max 500 words). You can send it in anonymously but in order to be eligible for the prizes you must at least submit an e-mail so we can contact you, at the end of the form.
Texts can be submitted in any language, however we encourage you to provide your own translation to Icelandic or English, otherwise we will use Google Translate and can't guarantee proper results. 

The main prize will be a gift card from YAY which can be used in a variety of restaurants, activities or shops! Selected poems will also be published on Eurodesk's medias and possibly published in print as well. 

On the occasion of the European Youth Week 2024, Eurodesk Iceland is offering a free wall art workshop under the guidance of the talented Karen Ýr. The theme of this year's European Youth Week is the democratic participation of young people and the importance of making their voices heard, and we encourage participants to use the artform to do so.

The course will cover the process of wall art from start to finish, i.e. from brainstorming ideas, sketching and painting wall art. The course is for both beginners and seasoned art creators. 
The course is for people aged 18-30 and there is room for 8 participants. After the course is filled up there will be a waitlist. We will contact you to inform you if your space has been secured.

The workshop will take place on the 6th and 7th of April from 10 am - 3 pm in Molinn Youth Center in Kópavogur (Molinn ungmennahús)

Karen Yr (xKarenYrx) is an experienced artist with many years of experience in wall art, whose mediums include brush, mural and large wall. Karen has also worked as a volunteer with the European Solidarity Corps where she worked on wall murals in Hungary. Over the years, Karen has accumulated many wall art tricks up her sleeve and is looking forward to teaching others these tricks in this workshop.

Please note that during the workshop the participants will not be painting directly on walls, but on large wooden boards, although of course wall art techniques will be used. The art created during the workshop might be put on display at the European Festival in Kolaportið in May, after which the participants will receive the artwork to keep.

What participants need/may bring:
Need: Lunch, Painting clothes and painting shoes.
Mega: Shooting tool; e.g. iPad, Sketchbook, or a medium in which the participant likes to work on sketches.
Otherwise, there will also be sketching tools on the course.

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