Time to Move 2020 is here: Discover ways to experience Europe

01 October 2020

Time to Move, the flagship campaign of Eurodesk informs young people about studying, volunteering and internship opportunities abroad and helps them find the most suitable programmes for their personal and professional development. During the month of October, the campaign brings together hundreds of youth organisations around Europe with around 1000 events in over 30 countries. This year the campaign is offering an increased number of online activities in answer to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Time to Move activities provide young people a wide range of activities during the month of October. They can participate in casual sessions such as lectures in schools or stands at fairs but also some not so traditional information events such as mountain-hiking, biking, cultural cafés or slam poetry nights. At many events participants can try the Time to Move Card Game among the activities that aims at introducing the cultural diversity of Europe and the many discoveries and learning opportunities it offers.


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increased amount of online activities compared to the previous years for the health and safety of the participants. Physical activities during Time to Move are organised with the upmost care and in accordance with the local regulations.


The campaign specifically targets young people from non-city environment, who do not usually have access to youth information and NEETs who would benefit from a mobility experience. Time to Move make these group of young people aware of local Eurodesk information points as guidance spots, if they feel the need to discuss their plans and how international projects can contribute to their futures.


The campaign website, timetomove.info informs about the around 1000 Time to Move events via an interactive map and is available in 15 languages, giving international visitors quick and easy access to the contents.


As part of the campaign, the Time to Move T-shirt Contest returns in 2020 and awaits young people’s T-shirt designs from all over Europe. Participants have until 31 October to send in their work to have the chance to win a one-year Skillshare Premium subscription and a Wacom Intuos S tablet.


Follow Eurodesk’s Instagram profile to stay up-to-date on the campaign.

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